Shine on, you crazy glimmer

Shine on, you crazy glimmer

Shine on, you crazy glimmer Ever felt joy wash over you? That’s a glimmer! moments of joy   Ever felt joy wash over you, seemingly out of nowhere, even while doing something ordinary? That’s a “glimmer.” It’s a term I just learned, and I’m glimmering about...
The Ethics of Ethical Travel

The Ethics of Ethical Travel

The Ethics of Ethical Travel “… each man kills the thing he loves” Oscar Wilde OH SHIT It’s complicated I was all gung-ho to start this blog in order to encourage people to retire early and travel the world. Then I read an article about thousands of Barcelona...
What is a slowmad?

What is a slowmad?

WHAT IS A SLOWMAD? Never heard of it! Slow + Nomad   See what I did there? What’s a “Slowmad” exactly? The term comes from combining “slow” and “nomad”. (The word “nomad,” coincidentally, is an anagram of my surname Doman.) Slow travel is the opposite of being a...
Scared? Do it anyway.

Scared? Do it anyway.

SCARED? Do it anyway! AboutBeing Brave Gathering courage I was told by a few friends before I departed that they really admired me for “being brave,” giving up the status quo and going on a walkabouts at my age. Backpacking is for folks in their early 20s, right? I...
How it all began

How it all began

MY JOURNEY How did I go from full-time videographer to a semi-retired wanderer on a beer budget? of nofixed address Teary goodbyes and reboots I’m lying on a leather couch in a rural Tuscan cottage, waiting for my sister and brother in law to arrive from the airport....